GAIN Strength & Conditioning

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Fresh Start

Monday allows us all to hit the reset button. Regardless of what you did over the weekend, on Monday, you get a new chance to start the week strong, come up with a plan, work on new habits and do it all with a clean slate.

Today, and this week, I want you to plan out your week with one consistency habit in mind. For example, my sleep has been a little all over the place. This week, I’m going to prioritize bed time and a routine around bed. You may want to schedule your 3 gym workouts, eat more vegetables or maybe even spend a few minutes throughout the day stretching. Whatever it is, you need a plan of action in order for it to work, otherwise, you’re just hoping that things will be different.

So what it it? What are you going to improve this week? What’s your one habit that you’ll be consistent with? If you find yourself able to dial in on one thing, I bet other, positive habits will follow as well. Let’s have a good week!

Justin Miner
