GAIN Strength & Conditioning

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September Consistency Challenge

Last year in July, we held a consistency challenge. Everyone wrote their goal on the board, something they would do everyday for the month. It was a successful challenge and a lot of people got something out of it. To develop new habits we have be consistent. A challenge like this forces you to prioritize your tasks to keep up with consistency.

How it will work:

We’re going to have 4 categories to choose from. Each one will have a couple of options of selections and we’re open to suggestions from you. We want to see measurable tasks that can be completed each day. The categories are

Mobility, sleep hygiene, nutrition and mindfulness.

Mobility will consist of doing a certain stretch for a set period of time, everyday.

Sleep hygiene involves looking at your bed time and the hour or two leading into it.

Nutrition will be about consistently making good food choices or adding something into your diet, i.e. a serving of veggies at breakfast everyday.

Mindfulness is about being deliberate. You can use an app to meditate, go for a phone free walk, or read pages of a book.

These are rough ideas to get the juices flowing for you. Keep an eye out on our Instagram page for more details and we’ll have a sign up in the gym later this week. Believe it or not, September is almost here! Let’s get back on track heading into the Fall.

Justin Miner
