GAIN Strength & Conditioning

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Write a List

I’ve written about brain dumping in the past. Taking everything in my brain and writing it down on paper. I’ve graduated from notebook and pen to using a list on my phone, but the relief it provides is the same.

Hannah is away on a work trip this week, which means I have even more things floating around in my brain.

Yesterday afternoon I was flooded with thoughts about training, cooking, pick ups, work, cleaning, dentist appointments and everything else.

I pulled out my phone and organized the week. It took 5 minutes. I listed out all the things that needed to get done and when. I set reminders, blocked time and was able to step back and look at the week all laid out and organized.

I try to do this once a week, but usually it’s every couple of weeks. It’s a simple practice that helps me stay disciplined and on task for the upcoming week. It organizes my brain and helps me feel less overwhelmed when there’s a lot of my plate. Give it a shot.

Justin Miner
