GAIN Strength & Conditioning

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How to Recover Between Sets (According to Elliot)

We have a gymnastics bar in our house so the boys can hang and swing and learn movement skills while playing.

Elliot has been working on his toes to bar. Hanging from the bar he curls his little legs up, compressing to eventually tap them on the bar between his hands.

It’s max effort. If he almost makes it and tries again immediately, he doesn’t get it. It’s been frustrating for him. To help him stick more reps, Hannah taught him a in-between set routine to calm down and space out attempts.

He shakes out him arms. Shakes out his legs. Stretches up, then down. Takes a few big deep breathes, and right when you think he’s going to walk over to the bar and grab it, he lays down on the mat. Because that’s how you rest according to a 3 year old. He sleeps for a minute, including fake snoring.

Once his routine is done, he hops back up on the bar. Since he’s more recovered and he can once again get a rep.

Resting enough in the gym is important. You don’t need to lay down on the floor and take fake nap like Elliot, but take deep breaths, relax, shake out your muscles and give yourself time to recover between sets. You’ll feel stronger and get more out of your workouts.

Justin Miner
