Train Hard/Recover Hard

I’ve been training hard for my first weightlifting meet.

While I’ve been training for a long time, I’ve never trained like a weightlifter. This is a new stress on my body.

At first, I was really good about recovering. When you do something new, you need to recover harder, too. And I was good about it, but then I got used to the new stimulus. I was getting less sore and feeling less stiff.

Warm ups went from very thorough to bare minimum over the course of 16 weeks. My cool downs disappeared. Then I stopped rolling at night after we put the kids down.

This weekend I felt beat up.

The training was catching up to me.

I need to get back to basics.

Spending more time warming up. Cooling down before leaving the gym, and fitting in more recovery and restorative work later in the day. Things like breathing and walking and rolling.

You have to warm up and recover just as hard as you’re training.

Justin Miner


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