Look Back, Look Ahead

The start of the month is a great time for a check in with your fitness and lifestyle habits.

Each month, I post my “By the Numbers’ post, and it always starts a lot of conversations around the gym. Basically I look at my average steps and sleep, and my total workouts and what they were comprised of (lifting or running, typically). I still need to tally up the numbers, so I’ll post those tomorrow.

Today I invite you to do the same. Check in and reflect back on the previous month. How many workouts did you get? How many steps? How was your sleep? How was your eating? Was it better or worse than you expected?

Look ahead, too. How can you change or improve those habits this month? What upcoming things do you have that will be challenging or are exciting to look forward to? How will that affect your workout routine?

Small check ins with yourself and examining your process are keys to playing the long game.

Justin Miner


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