Goals and Rules

We all suffer from this thing called perfectionism. When we want to do something, we want to go all in or bust. Sometimes, this works great. More often however, it leads to a quick failure and abandonment of the goal. At the nutrition chat last night, Briana made a really good point, rules are things you follow, goals are things you aim for.

We all think that goals are rules for us that cannot be broken, and if we break them, game over. If we shift our mindset though, and realize goals are what we’re striving for, and that a little bit of failure is okay, we’d be much better off. The same could be said about the goals we choose, I think we can do a better job of setting the bar lower.

What I mean, is choosing specific goals that are actually do-able for you. Goals are tricky because we don’t want it to be too easy. If we hit the mark easily every time, is that too easy of a goal? Maybe, but that will build momentum and allow us to take on more challenging goals.

In closing, maybe you should have an easy goal and a stretch goal. Or maybe you just need to set the bar a little lower in order to build some momentum for other, loftier goals down the road. Don’t forget there’s 10 days left in the September Habit Challenge. If you got off to a rocky start, there’s still a chance to work on improving yourself over the next 10 days.

Justin Miner


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